Prof. Dr. Claus-Heinrich Daub
Lecturer for sustainable business management FHNW
Project Manager Swiss Sustainability Challenge
Ananda Wyss
Research Associate FHNW
Operational Management Swiss Sustainability Challenge
Our coaches
Anna Cenariu
Head of Sustainability and Member of the Board of Directors, Alternative Bank Switzerland
President and Co-Founder, Superar Suisse
Dr. Ralf Michel
Dipl. Designer
Lecturer, Mentor, Researcher School of Art and Design, Basel, FHNW
Annika Björck
Mentor, Lecturer and Consultant for Customer Experience
Management and customer-centric culture, Björck Consulting
Chantal Vroom-Bezuijen
Training | Coaching | Communication
Stefan Philippi, MA, EMBA
Operational Lead Swiss Innovation Challenge
Lecturer for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, FHNW
Prof. Emilio Sutter
Professor für Accounting & Controlling
Stv. Institutsleiter Leiter Kompetenzschwerpunkt Performance Measurement & Controlling
Simon Zysset
Responsible for Education Partnerships, WWF Switzerland
Managing Director at formatia - Education for Environment and Sustainable
Dr. Matthias Meyer, MPH, dipl Soz.Ök.
Lecturer for digital change and strategic management at three universities of applied sciences in Bachelor, Master and further education
Independent consultant for non-profit and public organisations
Daniel Maier MSc ETH
Entrepreneur, IP Consultant
Managing Director euromaier AG
Roger Kirchhofer, lic.phil.I
School of Social Work, FHNW Institute of Counselling, Coaching and Social Management
Prof. Norbert Winistörfer
Lecturer in Corporate Communication, Institute for Competitiveness and Communication ICC, FHNW
Specialist expert for start-ups (author of the guidebook "Ich mache mich selbständig", 17th edition, Edition Beobachter)
Janene Liston
Janene Liston | The Pricing Lady
Dr. Pavlina Pavlova
Research Associate, Sustainable Business and Circular Economy, Institute of Management, FHNW
Dario Meyer
Research Associate Entrepreneurship, Institute of Management, FHNW
Jury - Intake Interviews
Koordinatorin Diversity & Nachhaltigkeit, FHNW
Prof. Dr. Michael v. Kutzschenbach
Professor of digital business management with a focus on sustainable organizational design and sustainability, FHNW
Prof. Dr. Barbara Eisenbart
Professor with focus on international entrepreneurship, digital and circular business model innovation, FHNW
Prof. Dr. Christoph Hugi
Institute Director a.i., Institute for Ecopreneurship. Lecturer for Sustainability and Development, FHNW
Lic. phil. Christine Bänninger
Research Associate at the Chair of Educational Theories and Interdisciplinary Teaching. Head of the coordination office "Service-Learning at IKU", FHNW
Stefan Philippi, MA, EMBA
Operational Lead Swiss Innovation Challenge
Lecturer for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, FHNW
Dr. Pavlina Pavlova
Research Associate, Sustainable Business and Circular Economy, Institute of Management, FHNW
Jury - Final Pitches
Prof. Dr. Uta Milow
Dozentin, für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Nachhaltiges Entrepreneurship
Gesamtleitung MBA-Programme und Weiterbildungsprogramme, Institut für Unternehmensführung, FHNW
Marilen Schwald
Co-Founder womenmatters. Co-Founder und Managing Director Innovation Basel
Marina Hasler
Managing Partner
Impact Hub Basel
Klara Kehnel
Research Associate, ZHAW
Life Sciences und Facility Management
Carmen Burri
Research Assistant, ZHAW
Life Sciences und Facility Management
Nicolas Bopp
Leiter Nachhaltigkeit
Pax, Schweizerische Lebensversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG
André Moeri
Co-Founder Medgate und Impact Hub Basel
Dr. Stefan Hermann Siemer
Leiter Corporate Sustainability, Weleda AG
Dr. Franz A. Saladin
Inhaber und Geschäftsführer
Saladin Public Affairs
Jonas Staub
Chief Technology Officer und Founder bei Mycrobez AG