Promotion of refugees in nursing professions
The Swiss healthcare system is dependent on foreign professionals for one-third of its workforce. The project aims to counteract the impending shortage of nursing staff in hospitals and nursing homes - and at the same time strive for the integration of refugees. Refugees can be recruited and qualified for the nursing profession with the help of training geared to the labor market and demand. A corresponding training course for suitable refugees must be designed and implemented for this purpose.
Switzerland is home to 1.6 million people with disabilities, 29% of whom are considered severely impaired. Using public transport alone is impossible for many - at the same time, the costs for alternative transport services are too high. Through specifically initiated partnerships, the Blink project aims to coordinate the offers of different ride service partners and sensitize institutions to cooperate in the field of mobility for people with disabilities. Blink also promotes the sharing economy: By means of private carpooling, vehicle occupancy is increased.
The Youtrition.org project aims to close natural cycles and achieve sustainability in food production in a simple way. Urban Farmers AG provides a container in which a Kompotoi AG composting toilet is installed. The urine collected with it is fermented odorless and hygienically in a closed bioreactor to nutrient solution, which is used for plant fertilization in the greenhouse above the container. The food produced is processed into fine menus and given away as gifts.
Food for Souls
Permaculture pursues the design of land use systems that are sustainable and ecologically sound. The Food for Souls project wants to build a permaculture center on the site of the former Ziegler Hospital in Bern. The intention is to create a dynamic meeting place with an urban vegetable garden and a learning center, embedded in a restful permaculture garden. Through the lived diversity and the open welcoming culture, the center will become a model for dealing with diversity in nature and ¬in the community.
The N42 project plans to implement a Social Innovation Lab in the Basel region. The focus is on disadvantaged groups whose access to social participation and giving is more difficult. The lab focuses on the consideration of the whole system: all stakeholders from the local community should be united. The Lab team analyzes the social problem and tries to identify the core causes. From this, experimental solutions are developed and a network for sustainable development is built.